
How to Get Unbanned from Instagram?

Instagram is a Meta platform and your account can be banned without any notifications about the Platform Policy part or Term of Use you violated.

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10 Reasons Your Instagram Account Banned “For No Reason”

Get Unbanned from Instagram

You Receive notification that your account has been banned only when you try to access it

The main Reasons Your Instagram account has been banned:

  1. User complaints. Instagram removes content that violates the rules, but if you receive a lot of complaints, the page will be blocked.
  2. Suspicious activity. The algorithm of the social network imposes a lock on the page for cheating comments, subscribers and likes.
  3. Spam. You can’t post repeated comments on Instagram and repeatedly apply with a commercial offer to users who have not given their consent to this.
  4. Simultaneous use of multiple IP addresses. There is a high risk of block when the user frequently changes IP addresses, as well as if the profile is used at the same time by people from different cities.
  5. Materials with the logo of the social network. You can’t post content with the Instagram logo on the platform.
  6. Copyright violation. When you post someone else’s photos, you need to mark the author on them and add a link to his profile in the comments.
  7. Posting of personal information. Bank account details, credit card snapshots and identity documents cannot be posted on a social network.
  8. Illegal activity. The algorithm suppresses attempts to publish content selling sexual services, firearms, medicines and non-medical drugs.
  9. Disrespect to the community members. Instagram blocks publications that contain calls for violence, threats and hostile statements.
  10. X-rated Content. It is forbidden to publish sexual materials with the participation of minors and pornography.

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How to Unban Instagram Account?

1. How to restore access to an Instagram account without an ID.

Follow the Link. Answer the question “Is this account used to represent a business, product or service?”

☐Yes, if the account is corporate (attach a copy of the company’s internal document to the application).

☐No, if the account is private.

Get Unbanned from Instagram

You don't need an internal document to restore your personal account

Fill out the form by specifying:

  • First and last name
  • Account Login
  • Email, you used to sign up
  • Country, where you located


Chief Removing Officer

If you have not received a reply letter from technical support with instructions for further unblocking, fill out the form again, specifying a new mailing address. The algorithm of the social network could add the old email to the blocked list and now automatically deletes the applications associated with it.

2. How to restore access to an Instagram account with an ID.

Get Unbanned from Instagram

The full list of documents that technical support accepts is specified in the Facebook terms

Follow the Link and fill out the form. Attach a copy of the identity document or copies of two non-governmental documents to the application.


Chief Removing Officer

The success of unlocking mainly depends on the loyalty of technical support. One specialist will immediately send your application to the internal department, and the page will be unblocked during the day, and the other will refuse without explanation. This is because every day they process 100 applications with the question: “My Instagram account* has been blocked, what should I do?” They simply may not have time to dive into users’ problems.

3. How to restore access to your Instagram account, explaining that a mistake has happened.

Get Unbanned from Instagram

Follow the link. Fill out the form, specifying the profile details

In the column “Please let us know why you’re appealing the decision to permanently deactivate this account:”, copy the text of the cover letter.

“Good afternoon! I am the owner of the account. Most likely, my account was blocked due to a system error or an indirect violation of the rules. Please note that useful materials have been published on my page. They helped develop Instagram*. Please unblock my account. I undertake to be more attentive to the rules and not to break them.”


Chief Removing Officer

Take into account the reason for blocking. Accounts deleted for publishing prohibited content (terrorism, extremism, pornography) cannot be returned. Users who have been sanctioned due to algorithm errors or have committed minor violations of the rules have a real chance to restore their accounts. Also keep in mind that each Internet platform has internal rules and pitfalls on which the success of account unblocking depends.

How to Get Your Instagram Account Unbanned: The Last Step

In response to the request for unblocking, technical support will send an email with a code. Take a blank sheet of paper and write the numbers indicated in the letter on it.

Get Unbanned from Instagram

Read the email carefully. It will say what you need to specify on the sheet in addition to the code

What you should do next:

  1. Take the sheet in your hands.
  2. Take a photo with it.
  3. Save the photo in JPEG format.
  4. Send it to tech support.


Chief Removing Officer

If there is no response within a few days, send a new application. Use all of these methods: without a document, with a document and with a cover letter. There are cases when users managed to return access to the Instagram account on the first attempt. More often, unblocking occurs after a few months due to the fact that technical support can respond to emails once in 2-3 weeks.

When You Have No Time to Wait

How to unblock an Instagram account if, after blocking, tech support stubbornly remains silent or responds with standard responses? Do not panic and do not rush to seek help from specialists who promise instant results.

What to do and how to restore an account if the Instagram algorithm blocked it? Contact the Reputation America Agency for help. In 1 month we will restore your Instagram account without risk to you and your business.

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